Your words:

"Oxygen and nitrogen... are instead industrial products manufactured from air."

"I trust you can see oxygen understandably is not present in air because is it a manufactured product and contained under pressure and also understand why plants and trees can’t possibly give off oxygen."

Right, oxygen is manufactured from air, but not present in air. ...Made from air, but not present in air. Huh???

To my puny little brain, that sounds a lot like pretzel logic.

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The difference between air and oxygen is moisture content.

Air is measured by its moisture in grams per cubic metre: humidity. Natural or God made

Oxygen is measured by its dryness in parts per million of water contamination. Manmade product

Think sugar cane: natural


Sugar: man made

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Very interesting. Thank you for sharing. More evidence the medical industry is seeking to make us sick and dependent on the system. That is very evil to me. My Aunt has the same issue with dehydration. Water in water out. She finally passed out. That's when she learned she wasn't getting enough salt.

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One thing i dont understand:

If we breathe something other than oxygen.. how about the energy production inside the body (the TCA Cycle)!? The mitochondria and the TCA Cycle need oxygen! Otherwise the ATP Production doesnt run and the body switches to fermentation (without oxygen) instead producing lactic acid.

So if we dont breathe oxygen, how shall we feed the TCA cycle and the mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation with oxygen?

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Last November Gerald Pollack proposed that oxygen does not get transmitted from the lungs to the blood. Instead, two electrons from oxygen are transferred to hemoglobin in RBCs. The RBCs deliver the hemoglobin to the cells, where the electrons are offloaded for direct use in the electron transport chain (or possibly for storage, if the charge of the cell membrane is deficient - not knowing whether the cell membrane utilizes a different source of electrons).

The more I ponder that, the more I think it is likely that oxygen in our cells and blood comes from nutrients, not air. Oxygen binds with a lot of nutrients, so as nutrients are broken down and used in various processes, any oxygen not needed is released for use elsewhere.

I'm no chemist. But if Gerald Pollack believes that cellular oxygen does not originate from the lungs, I'm inclined to believe him.

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Gerald is using electrons instead of oxygen because a dry gas is obviously not carried by the RBCs.

They carry salt water. The hospital’s best remedy is IV saline because once our physiology is hydrated it can heal.

The salt restriction directive has caused people to avoid salt and suffer chronic dehydration and this brings on chronic dis-ease.

Electrons remain theoretical and there are better explanations than the atomic model.

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Have you heard of or looked into what I call ambient atmosphere hyperbaric's?

Here is a site to get you going if you're interested. www.hyperbaricfitness.com

This vid is a good starter to goad interest; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RERAwVFgD4s

I built a chamber from a new 500 gallon propane tank after going to Joe's for late stage lyme. I'm years younger now. At 69 I feel as I did 20 years ago.

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I just re-read your comment. You seriously didn't seem to get how I was complimenting you for your bravery. And I can see how if you didn't understand my 49 joke, well, you might take offense. Taking offense is popular these days. Anyway, someone who can build their own chamber and then use it on themselves, well, I'm impressed. As for what I've gone through with the doctor thing, I doubt you'd be insulting me if you knew my story.

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The youtube channel; https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeIkZA8VFali_NP6tXdasrA?view_as=subscriber

I don't know what you're suffering but you may want to watch some of Joe's vids. You may see some validity for you with hyperbarics. I used his tank for a year or so then decided to fabricate my own. Added oxygen is not indicated with hyperbarics. That is the allopathic scam to greatly limit the benefits and to make use of hyperbaric's dangerous. Watch this vid which shows one woman's experience with both; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RERAwVFgD4s

If you call take into consideration Joe is a salesman. When you hear of the benefits he has seen don't dismiss them out of hand as I did. When I began this I helped Joe carry an 89 year old arthritic woman into his tank and helped carry her out on a Monday. She sat on a bench in the tank with her hands tightly bent and obviously in pain. She did not speak the entire session. I did not go back until Friday that week. She had taken two sessions each day for the whole week. Which is a total of one hour each day at 60 feet. She walked into the tank that Friday (you have to bend to get in and the bottom is rounded) sat down by herself and began knitting a sweater. She was vocal and ecstatic at how the tank was helping her. I can attest to fibromyalgia, some cancers, eye injuries, traumatic brain injuries, lyme, arthritis and what was told to me was general malaise.

Like UFO's, ghosts etc one has to experience this to believe it.

You wouldn't be at or near the Eastern Seaboard of the US would you?

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Well that’s all interesting and it has the ring of truth. I grew up in the Boston area but I’m sort of stuck in Ontario for now. I’ll re-read this and really focus, but it does sound really good. Thank-you and I’ll have more comments later.


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You already felt terrible at 49? ha ha just kidding. I have no opinion about hyper barbarianism, but did you say basically that you built a home-job squish tank and you got inside? And you got inside so much that you were like a diver and it did something to your innards? It seems like you should get more interaction here. People telling you you're crazy, or brave, or interesting. I'm claustro so I'm prolly not going to look at those vids. I don't know. Thinkin about it.

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In every man's life; multiple times, he trips over a truth that is needed. For most they pick themselves up, brush themselves off and go on as though nothing happened.

Your use of 'Dr.' is disingenuous.

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It’s a good point about the tripping. I had heard of drinking this stuff and my longterm readers will know me as someone who will try anything and lick anything. For example licking urinals during 2021 and 2022 I proved that there was neither contagion nor pandemic. For six months I’ve been licking blue-jay poo, proving it’s unlikely there’s bird flue in that population. Not that I believe in viruses, but I am always curious about the limits of our interactions with what appears to be not us and “hostile.” I’ve always made a point of kissing stray dogs on the lips. Obviously I never get sick from any of this. My theory is that we get sick when we decide to, when something unnecessary needs to come out of us, as for when someone dies or we have a breakup. My plan is to go live in a poor part of Indonesia (I haven’t lived there in many decades) and explore further the limits of the idea of “hostile territory.” I remember the Indonesians as the friendliest people I’d ever met. Maybe they still are. But their soil and general sensorium might be, for my internal workings, interesting! I live generally very far from the equator and from volcanoes. 2026, is the plan.

You mentioned tripping. Moving around the internet, lost as I usually am, I tripped over these notes here under a pee article a day or two ago and found Sober Christian Gentleman. Now everything about his name would normally have suggested we would have little in common. But I noticed how gentlemanly he was, answering in measured tones without angry typos the many typo-laden insults tossed his way by those who feared pee and (by extension) the vat of amniotic fluid they pee’d into and drank as infants in the nurturing womb…oh wait a minute, I just realized I’m blocked. You can comment but I can’t. I’ll break off there then.

Well that’s not very, um, Christian, ha ha. It feels like how bullies work in teams and they get you down and don’t let you talk or they smack you, but they all get to talk. What exactly is so scary to you guys about the occasional snort of pee? Interacting with you bullies has had the effect of getting me interested in drinking the stuff. So for that I’m grateful. —david

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Dave Dave Dave. Once again, you're probably in the wrong comments section. I mean, your comments are good, and why the guy got mad at you for complimenting him on his bravery, Lord only knows. But you were thinking you were at that Medicine Girl's site but this is actually somewhere deep in the bowels of Jane's site. Lol.

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Jane, you are blessed and a blessing to the world! Your deductions are like the fresh breath of air in the lord Howe island, enriching the understanding of Ling physiology. Thank you very much for this work!

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Thank you, Aravind

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Hi Jane, what are your views on diabetes? Are glucose levels causative or correlative and indicative of a whole immune system dysfunction or something else? Are the glucose levels - a systemic method to adjust for some other shift ? Thr definition is diabetes is also chanigngand now people are also including Alzheimer’s with type 3 diabetes. Thr bio marker based diseases are fundamentally different from the phenotype presenting diseases. Iam unable to understand why diabetes manifests as different complications in different people. From economic perspective- diabetes is often the reason for denying insurance to many. I was wondering if you have the bandwidth to use your gifts to applying to this problem

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Hi Aravind

Here’s some me data for you to ponder.

Glucose is used to move salt out of cells in hypernatremia. Glucose IV is used. So glucose lowers cellular saltiness.

Dehydration is an emergency. The adrenals manage emergencies. Cortisol is pumped out. Cortisol raises blood glucose levels. Remember an emergency is supposed to be a temporary state.

So to create a perfect storm in our physiology. Direct people to restrict their salt intake. This creates chronic dehydration. Chronic cortisol higher levels than normal. And eat lots of carbohydrates and sugar.

This is the mechanism for T2 diabetes.

The solution is: diet of low carbs and increase salt intake to reduce cortisol levels back to normal by maintaining hydration.

Diabetes T2 has increased with salt restriction directions. Children now have T2 when it used to be an elderly condition.:Tea (diuretic) and toast (carbohydrate) Diet.

So T2 diabetes is a symptom of chronic dehydration.

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Thank you, Jane. This is wonderful information and makes sense in every way. I live on an organic diet and love a little sea salt on my veggies every day. I would miss it otherwise and now I know why!

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It's understandable to think that something explosive like hydrogen and oxygen couldn't combine to make something as harmless as water. But the key difference is that when hydrogen (H) and oxygen (O) form water (H2O), they chemically bond and change properties. The gases are no longer separate or explosive—they form a stable liquid that has entirely different characteristics. The bond between H and O is why water is wet and can extinguish fires, even though the individual elements are very different on their own. Science has tested and confirmed this consistently.

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Pretty sure you're talking about an imaginary hyper-pure experiment that may or may not have ever been performed. Unless a very clean chamber has been built and prepared, these experiments (my brother was playing around with water, electricity, and explosions at age ten) will have solutes that must be accounted for. I'm not saying such an experiment has never happened--I'm an English major--but till I've seen a hyper-pure setup and repeated versions of such an experiment, I'll respectfully reserve the right to doubt. Hyper purity asks for a lot of faith from an observer in these deceitful times, I have to say.

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Explain hydrolysis and the necessity for there to be a salt or decomposing electrode in water for a current to occur.

Water at zero TDS does not conduct.

The TDS must arrive from elsewhere for a current to occur.

Water is an element and a good insulator not a compound that disassociates into two dry combustible gases. Water has similar conductivity to wood.

Explain how oxygen is made and focus on the removal of water. How is oxygen calibrated.

Plants and trees do not release oxygen, perform your own experiment. They transpire moisture just like us. Hence we both can wilt in the heat.

What’s the material safety data on inhalation of oxygen and nitrogen? This might give you an insight into why oxygen and nitrogen do not make up 99% of the air we breathe.

Inhalation: unconscious and not breathing.

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I'm no expert, but I said to the guy you were commenting back to (and I wrote this before I saw your comment, and before I saw that the guy hadn't bothered to come back for an answer after October 4), was this:

To Philip: Pretty sure you're talking about an imaginary hyper-pure experiment that may or may not have ever been performed. Unless a very clean chamber has been built and prepared, these experiments (my brother was playing around with water, electricity, and explosions at age ten) will have solutes that must be accounted for. I'm not saying such an experiment has never happened--I'm an English major--but till I've seen a hyper-pure setup and repeated versions of such an experiment, I'll respectfully reserve the right to doubt. Hyper purity asks for a lot of faith from an observer in these deceitful times, I have to say.

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Your last line is understated dry humor.

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Is there any reason why I’m feeling more dehydrated (dry palms & feet, headaches) after adding more salt to my food plus salted water? I’ve already noticed some benefits like a boost of mental productivity (evelated blood pressure?) and higher stress resistance.

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Try Celtic salt ( unprocessed and unwashed - the greyish Celtic salt) you may feel a difference as to how hydrated you feel.

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As in more hydrated with the Celtic salt???

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Yes, since starting the day with water / apple cider / Celtic salt even my skin looks more hydrated.

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Hi Haletsky

Have you read my article How does salt restriction lead to heart dis-ease and fear based reactionary thinking?

I suspect if you have high bp without a good cause you might be a salt sensitive and your adrenals have enlarged to keep you alive.

This means your body could be super efficient with any salt it gets and it boosts your blood volume.

Look up the symptoms of adrenal hyperplasia and compare. This means your body is super smart and if it can grow extra adrenal material it can reduce it when it’s no longer being called upon. Our bodies are doing everything to keep us alive, they are not trying to kill us. That’s erroneous thinking.

Hydration rests the adrenals and it means they can recoup.

Healing begins with hydration.

Dis-ease with dryness.

Gentle adjustments to your salt intake. A few grains under your tongue, make friends with it, gain confidence.

Notice how you feel after it. Calmer …

You could do an experiment, take your bp and then take some salt and look at the values, 10 mins after, 30 mins after, 1 hour after. You become THE EXPERT on your salt intake and the effects it has, with the use of your bp machine. Keep a log of your experiments. So you can monitor changes as you go along.

I had adrenal exhaustion. I started with a pinch in my water, then I went to ¼ teaspoon, now I can easily drink my water with ½ teaspoon.

Gentle with self is my motto.

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Hi Jane, thank you for such an informative reply. I will definitely re-read the article again. You are onto something here for sure.

I believe that my adrenal function has been affected big time by heavy lifting / crossfit workouts which I abruptly stopped after my thyroid removal surgery. Hormone replacement therapy is still a very complicated process for me and every time I try to increase my dose I get a negative response from my adrenals. You are 100% correct about sensitivity so I’ll try to keep it low and slow.

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I’m 77 and been struggling with fatigue. The marine plasma seemed to help in the beginning but then seemed to taper off after 6 bottles. A couple tsp of Baja gold in distilled water though out the day seems to work better. My stamina is much better throughout the day and dizziness is reduced. Thanks for your articles explaining how it all works. Brilliant.

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My pleasure Michael. Thank you for sharing your experience.

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I use Panakos marine sea plasma (Amazon). Seems to work well but it’s expensive. Baja Gold dissolves well in a glass but haven’t tried it in my humidifier. Will try it when my sea plasma runs out.

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That looks to be a very nice product. How long have you been using it?

Do you have respiratory improvements to report? Over all health changes?

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I would presume you would endorse using a room humidifier during winter months with salt added in?

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Not sure if you can put salt into a humidifier. Let me know if you can

But SALT is great on food. And I add it to my drinking water.

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My husband put salt in the humidifier when our oldest was a baby and had a stuffy nose. In theory, a good idea but in reality I was cleaning salt residue off the furniture for quite some time so no…I don’t recommend salt in the humidifier:)

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the room rusts, lol

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Could one define air as gaseous water?

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Kevin makes a good point that gaseous water is still water so it can’t be considered air. Earth, fire, water are observable elements while air is not observable. This makes it difficult to determine just what air is. If the elements cannot mix with one another, like water being a carrier while not mixing with the carried substance, then gaseous water is still just water. These 4 elements must stand alone even though they can affect one another. Earth blocks water, water reduces fire but air? Maybe it’s space, prana, plasma??? Or can we see it to?

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Fun to think about. But you could say that haptically (if that's a word meaning touch) air is observable. Like if a blind person puts her hand over fire, the fire is observable. Blind people feel wind, air, earth, fire. Hard to smell distilled water, but a dog might have an opinion.

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good point, Dave

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Is steam not gaseous water? Same molecule - H20 - different state.

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what makes you think water is H2O?

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Steam is vapour or tiny drops of water suspended in air. It's like fog or mist.

Air is no longer a drop, it's a bubble.

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yes, that's how I think of it.

Bubbles make air

full bubbles or drops make water.

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They seem to have sent a lot of unfortunate people down the death pathway by providing them with oxygen, especially unhumidified oxygen, when they had difficulty breathing (or even just if they tested positive for PCR) - the first stage which would weaken and inflame the lungs and subsequently "call for" the whole killer protocol rollout. That's how the death peaks were generated in 2020 in all likelihood.

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Yep, the devils, do-evil, like us to bring ourselves to tragedy. Oxygen is well established as an aid, not a poison. Until we re-educate ourselves, we are so easily fooled by our schooled daze. I include myself in this statement. I had to bring myself out of a schooled daze. As I explored I was continually amazed at the do-evils deceptions. They were protected because we were taught to trust without first establishing merit.

Due diligence and collaboration will one day be expected and welcomed.

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In summary, if you ever end up in a hospital, God help you, but basically an IV drip is good because it brings salt, but oxygen is bad because it brings dryness.

I remember in Florida my parents were both taking hits off my dad's "oxygen" machine, but when they moved up to Tennessee I don't remember that machine being around. They were near a swamp in Florida so perhaps that protected them, with the wet air.

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Interesting stuff. Are you saying that when they give people with lung issues extra oxygen it's not oxygen enriched air but pure oxygen? I am shocked.

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Thank you. I am kinda lost in all the data. I saw someone saying that industrial oxygen has .5% humidity, while medical oxygen quite a bit more... 45%? I forget where I saw it.

So far, I am guessing that if one is offered oxygen in the hospital, one should be on an IV saline drip, do I have that right? And can one request oxygen-enriched air instead?

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Oxygen has zero humidity.

Air is measured in humidity.

The lungs need air we breathe in to be inside the range of 30-50% humidity.

The lung mucosa then brings that air to 100% humidity so when it reaches the alveoli sacs, it arrives as drops.

100% humidity is dew point or drop pt.

Can you see the problem with oxygen?

Oxygen drys the lung mucosa and then it drys the alveoli sacs.

Rendering both useless.

Oxygen is an artificial/temporary state of air. So when it is released it extracts moisture from its surroundings to return to its natural state, moist air.

Oxygen is super dry, a dehydrator.

Air is moist, a donor of moisture.

The lungs require zero oxygen as it’s a man-made gas, an artificial state of air.

The lungs use air, salt in the mucosa is added to the inhalation and the drops arriving at the alveoli are salty. These drops get transferred to the RBCs as they pass through the alveoli capillaries. The lungs add salt water to the blood. The RBCs soak up the salt water, becoming rehydrated.

Zero oxygen or carbon dioxide involved. A mis-direct to retard and cover for murderers who have been using oxygen to kill, the perfect poison.

Murderers can work for n hospitals with cover, it was an accident, etc

Oxygen has even less risk than that because so few have known its purpose is not to protect. Patients demand oxygen and suffer willingly through the pain it brings. Hence becoming a participant in their own demise.

Do you see a pattern here?

Through propaganda, people subscribe to something that will kill them. The criminal class design the propaganda and enjoy seeing the suffering. The evil: live backwards and do evil, devil.

This is the playbook the might many must expose.

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So why do people feel better with oxygen they carry along with them so they can do chores, shop etc.?

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Scroll through my notes, I’ve linked a respiratory lecture on oxygen

Doctors are educated to understand oxygen has zero humidity.

The toxic nature of oxygen is its dryness.

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Brilliant! Retired Registered Palliative Care Nurse - dehydration is a killer! Lack of salt - same.

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Thank you Shelley.

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Fantastic!!!! How on earth did medicos tell us to reduce salt? How and why on earth was table salt poisoned with iodine? When will medicos read JANE 333?

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I put Himalayan salt in my coffee and always think of Jane 333.

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When I was a kid there was a book entitled, if memory serves, "Killer Salt"

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Thank you Cynthia

Drs are reading my articles and subscribing.

Hydration NOT oxygenation will become obvious. THEY have been able to lie about everything, up until now.

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As a salt lover(sea salt is the best) I've even taken to salting my yogurt and dark chocolate. While down in the SoCal, I've always put a pinch of salt in my water bottle knowing only that it tasted better--Like Gatorade without the sugar--and satisfied my thirst. Thank you for telling me why it works.

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Do you monitor your horse’s salt intake? Salt licks or adding to food?

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Of course. Some barns have a permanent salt lick in the horse's stall, and some put it directly into the daily supplements. It's common practice both up north in WA, and down in SoCal where I ride. We take far better care of our horses than we do ourselves.

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